Bob Wendler Con't
During his tenure at Guide Dogs of America, he was honored to receive the “Instructor of the Year” award presented by Guide Dog Users Inc. in Sacramento, CA. In 2006, Bob returned to Guide Dogs of the Desert as Director of Canine Operations. He was very excited to be part of this program and he considered himself fortunate to be working with so many dedicated people, all with the same dream of providing quality service to those in need. After a 40 year career, Bob has retired as a guide dog mobility instructor and currently volunteers for Custom Canines full time as our Director of Training and West Coast Operations Director.
Bob is an avid motorcycle rider and actively participates in charity rides, being a proud member of the “Patriot Guard Riders” who ride to honor our troops who have fallen, as well as those who return home from service. The PGR also provide escort and honor guard services throughout the country.